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123 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA, 19106


The Healing Arts Center provides everything you need to reach your health and wellness goals. Whether you're seeking acute or chronic pain relief, stress reduction, help with infertility, physical rehabilitation, anti-aging treatments or just plain relaxation, our staff are here to provide safe, effective treatment and classes to help you on your way. Our center's goal is to maximize your body's function, increase energy, give you a higher self-esteem and provide an overall improvement in your quality of life.

We named it the Healing Arts Center because every practitioner on the team has a wide repertoire of integrative techniques and treatments to draw upon. We believe the art of healing is in the creative application of techniques and the mix should always be fresh, responding to the demands of the moment. After all, we believe every patient is unique and every day presents a new challenge that demands our creativity.

Intuitive Wellness By Guest Blogger, Melissa Weinberg


The Healing Arts Center of Philadelphia promotes a holistic health approach for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Through our blog, we hope to share information that covers topics like acupuncture, acupuncture for chiropractic, fitness, yoga, pilates, Tai Chi, Chinese herbs, Oriental Medicine and tips and tricks for maintaining your health from our talented practitioners and instructors. 

Intuitive Wellness By Guest Blogger, Melissa Weinberg

Barry Silverman


Intuition is a natural gift we all have inside of us. It is the ability to understand immediately, without reasoning. The instinctive voice that guides you to be true to yourself and offers clarity when you are seeking answers. In particular, it can be a powerful tool in helping us better understand our health and what our body truly needs to achieve optimal wellbeing.

We all have the capacity to tap into this gift. The problem is that, for many of us, we don’t know how to pay attention. The distractions of the outside world, others’ opinions and suggestions, the hustle and bustle of our busy lives – it all disconnects us from the true needs and desires of our mind, body, and spirit. But, with a little dedication and time, it is perfectly possible to quiet these outside noises and tune into your inner voice. Once you do, you’ll be amazed at how much your intuition can help guide you to optimal health and happiness! Here are four impactful ways you can tap into your intuition and improve your wellbeing:

 1.    Meditation & Mindfulness

Set aside time each day to clear your mind with meditation. Start off with a duration and time of day that is attainable for you (even if that means 5 minutes before bed at night or while parked in the car during your lunch break!). Make it work for you and don’t be afraid of doing it wrong. The key is to just try!

 One of the profound mental and physical benefits of meditation is increased capacity for tapping into your intuition. Over time, you’ll become more mindful and aware of your true needs and desires, even during the most hectic and stressful moments. Bring mindfulness into your day. How do you feel in this moment? What do you truly want at this time? Notice and observe what comes up. Self-awareness is a key to following your intuition.

2.    Conscious Breathing

Have your ever practiced yoga? Or maybe just taken a big, deep breath in the middle of a stressful day? Then you know the power of your breath to calm the nervous system. Practicing conscious breathing during your day helps quiet the mind so that your intuition can come through. Try this simple exercise when you are feeling stressed, confused, or disconnected: 

·      Sit comfortably with a straight spine

·      Relax your shoulders and rest your hands on your lap

·      Exhale completely, drawing your diaphragm in and up

·      Slowly inhale through your nose by contracting your diaphragm out and down; as air fills your lungs, notice your belly rise, followed by your mid- and upper-chest

·      Pause

·      Slowly exhale through your nose while drawing your diaphragm in and up

·      Repeat this three times, taking deeper and fuller breaths each round


3.    Intuitive Movement

While finding stillness is important for the mind, movement is vital for the body. When it comes to fitness, being connected to your intuition can help you feel your best, achieve optimal results, and avoid injury.

It is so rewarding to witness my Motion Melissa clients benefit from the practice of intuitive movement – learning to tune into your body’s unique needs and understand what it truly craves through conscious movement and breathwork. When you quiet the outside noise of comparison to others’ looks, trendy workouts, and diet crazes, and instead listen to your intuition, your body is able to naturally nourish and heal itself through movement.

During exercise, practice mindfulness. Breath with each movement. Notice how your body and mind feels with each movement and workout. What truly feels good in your body? If you are unsure where to start, seek out an expert who can help.

 4.    Intuitive Self-Care

I use intuitive movement to address fitness, but I am also a huge proponent of listening to your body and seeking out other experts (for myself & my clients!) when it comes to achieving total body wellness.

Personally, my battle with chronic migraine has taught me the importance of intuitive self-care. Meditation, breathwork, and yoga, helped me recognize that my body was craving more than traditional migraine treatment. I began to notice tension in my neck, shoulders, and jaw that went along with my migraines and turned to complimentary modalities like massage and acupuncture, which have been super helpful for me.


Recently, I was lucky enough to spend an afternoon of self-care with the experts of the Healing Arts Center – a holistic wellness center in Old City, Philadelphia. HAC offers massage, acupuncture, chiropractic, tai chi, and more. During my visit, I tried out a chiropractic session with Barry Silverman and an acupuncture session with Steven Mavros.

Admittedly, I was a little bit nervous about my first ever chiropractic visit, but Barry made me feel super comfortable. He explained how chiropractic works and let me know what to expect at each step of the process. After a thorough assessment and treatment, I walked out of Barry’s room feeling more aligned and less stiff in my neck and shoulders. I was worried it would be painful, but it wasn’t at all!

Before my acupuncture session, Steve and I chatted extensively about my health concerns. I’ve had acupuncture before, but Steve really made me feel listened to and understood. When it came time for the treatment, I had complete confidence and was at ease for the full duration of the session. And, if you're wondering, no, acupuncture is not painful either! 


Right after my treatments, I felt very relaxed. A few days later, I felt less tension overall in my head, neck, and shoulders. I will definitely be back.

 Injuries, ailments, and illness can keep us from living our fullest lives and enjoying movement and exercise. While there are always ways to modify and adjust, it is important to tune into our intuition and know when to seek out help and healing. Sometimes the best self-care practice is learning to listen to your intuition and seeking out help for your mind, body, and spirit when you need it!

If your intuition is telling you that you are in need of some self-care, I encourage you to check out the Healing Arts Center. Mention Motion Melissa when booking your first acupuncture appointment and receive $20 off!

Melissa Weinberg, CPT, RYT, CHC


Melissa Weinberg is a certified personal trainer, health coach, yoga teacher, and group fitness instructor. Motion Melissa was born out of the idea that everybody can benefit so much from movement, but that every body moves differently. No one size …

Melissa Weinberg is a certified personal trainer, health coach, yoga teacher, and group fitness instructor. Motion Melissa was born out of the idea that everybody can benefit so much from movement, but that every body moves differently. No one size fits all program exists that works wonders for everyone. There are specific wellness practices that can help each individual achieve their optimal health. Melissa uses intuitive movement to help you #FindYourMotion! She is passionate about working with women, athletes & former athletes, and those faced with injuries and setbacks.