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123 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA, 19106


The Healing Arts Center provides everything you need to reach your health and wellness goals. Whether you're seeking acute or chronic pain relief, stress reduction, help with infertility, physical rehabilitation, anti-aging treatments or just plain relaxation, our staff are here to provide safe, effective treatment and classes to help you on your way. Our center's goal is to maximize your body's function, increase energy, give you a higher self-esteem and provide an overall improvement in your quality of life.

We named it the Healing Arts Center because every practitioner on the team has a wide repertoire of integrative techniques and treatments to draw upon. We believe the art of healing is in the creative application of techniques and the mix should always be fresh, responding to the demands of the moment. After all, we believe every patient is unique and every day presents a new challenge that demands our creativity.


The Healing Arts Center of Philadelphia promotes a holistic health approach for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Through our blog, we hope to share information that covers topics like acupuncture, acupuncture for chiropractic, fitness, yoga, pilates, Tai Chi, Chinese herbs, Oriental Medicine and tips and tricks for maintaining your health from our talented practitioners and instructors. 

Filtering by Category: Healthy Living

Self-Care During Pregnancy

Barry Silverman

When you are expecting a baby, your mental and physical well-being is often considered secondary to that of the life growing inside of you. However, taking the time to nurture yourself will have many positive effects on both you and your baby’s health. Pregnancy is a perfect opportunity to indulge and engage in self-care; all while doing what is also best for your baby. Here are some tips to help you maintain your balance throughout your pregnancy.

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Four Strategies to Keep Your Health and Wits About you over the Holiday Season

Barry Silverman

It’s that time of year…amongst the positives can also be some negatives. The likeliness of getting colds and flus, going off your regular diet, stress, busy days and an overabundance of good cheer or the opposite – isolation or loneliness over the holidays – can wreak havoc on your health and wellbeing. Here are a few strategies to get the most enjoyment out of the holidays without paying a high price in health, energy and emotions!

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