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123 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA, 19106


The Healing Arts Center provides everything you need to reach your health and wellness goals. Whether you're seeking acute or chronic pain relief, stress reduction, help with infertility, physical rehabilitation, anti-aging treatments or just plain relaxation, our staff are here to provide safe, effective treatment and classes to help you on your way. Our center's goal is to maximize your body's function, increase energy, give you a higher self-esteem and provide an overall improvement in your quality of life.

We named it the Healing Arts Center because every practitioner on the team has a wide repertoire of integrative techniques and treatments to draw upon. We believe the art of healing is in the creative application of techniques and the mix should always be fresh, responding to the demands of the moment. After all, we believe every patient is unique and every day presents a new challenge that demands our creativity.

Complementary Care All in One Place

The Healing Arts Center provides acupuncture, chiropractic, massage along with holistic and complementary care so that you can achieve your optimal health. 

Welcome to 3 Treasures Tai Chi

The studio is currently on hiatus from all group classes. Dr. Silverman is currently accepting individual students for private study on a case by case basis. If you are interested, please leave a message at 267-585-4437 and he will get back to you.

Recommendations on other group Tai Chi classes in the Old City Area:

Tai Chi in the Square (a slower paced class)

Philly Chen Tai Chi ( a more robust style of Tai Chi)


Tai Chi for Health & Balance

Tai Chi is many things to many people: a martial art, a form of exercise, a moving meditation and a prescription for health. The movements are slow, graceful, powerful and flowing. With Tai Chi we stress moving from your center, proper breathing, posture and relaxation. Practice self care and make time to slow down, relax and breathe.


  • Improved balance

  • Improved posture

  • Increased strength and flexibility

  • Decreased pain in joints

  • Decreased stress

  • Reduced high blood pressure

  • Increased sense of well-being

All that being said about the benefits of Tai Chi, the most important facet of Tai Chi is that it has the capacity to create a feeling of joy in movement itself if practiced with mindfulness.